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12 Hal Tabu Pada Seni Tradisional Cina

Ada 12 hal yang ditabukan atau dipantangkan dalam lukisan Cina Kuno yang dikenal dengan istilah Shih-er chi.  Jao Tz u-jan  ( Yuan dynasty 1280–1368 CE ) membuat sebuah daftar dan menyatakan bahwa dalam sebuah lukisan Cina tidak boleh terdapat hal-hal sebagai berikut:  1.  pu-chih p’o-sai  atau Tata Ruang yang Sempit.  2.  yuên-jin pu-fen  atau Jarak tidak terbedakan.  3.  shan wu ch’i-mai  atau Pegunungan yang menutupi atau mengurangi energi utama. 4.  shui wu yuên-liu  atau Sungai dengan sumber air dan arah aliran yang kurang baik.  5.  ching wu yi-hsien   atau Daerah atau dataran yang sedikit tanah lapangnya dan curam.  6.   lu-wu ch’ u-ju  atau Jalan Utama yang tidak diketahui asal-usulnya.  7.  shih-chih yi-mien  atau Bebatuan yang hanya memiliki satu bentuk.  8.  shu shao ssu-chih  atau Pepohonan yang kekurangan cabang....


Pada awal mulanya Segala sesuatunya berawal pada tahun 1940, pada usia dua puluh lima tahun, Bruder Roger meninggalkan Swiss, tempat kelahirannya, pergi dan tinggal di Perancis, tempat dari mana ibunya berasal. Selama bertahun-tahun ia menderita tuberkulosis. Semasa ia menderita sakit yang berkepanjangan itu, sebuah panggilan menggema di dalam hatinya untuk membentuk sebuah komunitas di mana kesederhanaan dan suasana kekeluargaan yang hidup di dalam Injil dapat menjadi nyata. Ketika Perang Dunia Kedua meletus, ia merasakan adanya sesuatu yang mendesak bahwa ia harus memulai pada saat itu juga untuk menawarkan bantuan kepada orang-orang yang berada dalam kesulitan, sama seperti apa yang pernah dilakukan oleh neneknya saat berkecamuknya Perang Dunia Pertama. Desa kecil Taizé, di mana ia akhirnya tinggal, sangat dekat dari garis batas yang memisahkan Perancis menjadi dua bagian dan terletak dengan baik sebagai tempat untuk menyambut para pengungsi yang melarikan diri akibat...

Alat musik tradisional Cina

Alat musik gesek Erhu (二胡)- Rebab China, badannya menggunakan kulit  ular  sebagai membran, menggunakan 2 senar, yang digesek dengan penggesek terbuat dari ekor kuda. Gaohu (高胡)- Sejenis dengan Erhu, hanya dengan nada lebih tinggi. Gehu (革胡)- Alat musik gesek untuk nada rendah, seperti Cello. Banhu (板胡)- Rebab China, dengan badan terbuat dari batok kelapa dengan papan kayu sebagai membrannya. [ sunting ] Alat musik petik Liuqin (柳琴)- Alat musik petik kecil bentuknya seperti buah pir dengan 4 senar. Yangqin (扬琴)- Alat musik ini memiliki banyak senar, cara memainkannya dengan memukul dengan stik bambu sebagai pemukulnya. Pipa (琵琶)- Alat musik petik berbentuk buah pir dengan 4 atau 5 senar. Ruan (阮)- Alat musik petik berbentuk bulat dengan 4 senar. Sanxian (三弦)- Alat musik petik dengan badan terbuat dari kulit ular dan dengan leher panjang, memiliki 3 senar. Guzheng (古筝)- Kecapi yang memiliki 16 - 26 senar. Konghou (箜篌)- Harpa China. [ sunting ] Alat musik t...

Tradisi Unik Pernikahan Hantu Di China

Quote: Dalam tradisi Cina, pernikahan hantu (Chinese; pinyin: mínghun) secara harfiah disebut juga sebagai "pernikahan roh" adalah pernikahan dimana salah satu atau kedua belah pihak mempelai sudah meninggal dunia. Salah satu  contoh  bentuk prosesinya adalah  pernikahan mayat dengan mayat  seperti pada threat berita yang pernah dibuat oleh agan  teckoajaib   disini.  Jadi threat ini akan menjelaskan sedikit tentang beberapa latar belakang tradisi tua di China yang unik ini, dimana tidak dibahas pada threat yang sudah ada.. Spoiler for  illustrasi 2 :  Quote: Quote: Hingga hari ini sejarah tua (sejauh yang bisa diingat manusia) di China ini, belum diketahui asal usul dan waktu yang tepat sejak kapan tradisi pernikahan yang unik ini berawal.Syarat utama pernikahan hantu, salah satu atau kedua belah pihak harus almarhum tentu saja. Sebagian besar jika seorang anak perempuan yang meninggal lebih awal, orang tuanya akan menjual ja...

Makna Warna Dalam Budaya China

Quote: Tahukah Anda , dalam kebudayaan China, warna digolongkan kedalam dua kategori yaitu warna menguntungkan dan warna tidak menguntungkan. Wah, Anda perlu mengetahui nih warna-warna apa saja yang masuk dalam kelompok warna yang menguntungkan dan yang tidak. Sehingga Anda tak akan mengalami salah pilih warna untuk interior pada hari Imlek. Berikut adalah beberapa warna dan maknanya dalam budaya China. Simak di bawah ini:   Quote: • Merah, Warna merah melambangkan keberuntungan. Warna ini sangat identik dengan perayaan tahun baru China/ Imlek. Warna merah dilarang sama sekali dalam upacara pengebumian karena melambangkan suka cita. Quote: • Kuning / Emas,  warna kuning menghasilkan Yin dan Yang, merupakan pusat dari segala sesuatu. Kuning dianggap warna yang paling indah dan melambangkan netralisasi serta keberuntungan. Warna kuning sering dipasangkan dengan warna merah dan sebagai ganti warna emas (gold). Quote: • Hijau,  warna hijau berkaitan dengan alam umumnya dikai...

Jia Kui (Lingdao) 賈逵 (梁道)

Place of Birth : Xiangling County, He Dong Prefecture (Presently Lifen, Shanxi Province) Lifespan : AD 174 – Circa 230 Titles : General Who Establishes Our Prestige, Lord of Yangli Precinct, Respectful Lord Jia Kui was a skilful martial artist and studied tactics under his grandfather. His first appointment as officials was in He Dong Prefecture; he was later promoted to Magistrate of Mianchi County. When Cao Mengde was fighting Ma Chao, Jia Kui held position as Governor of Hong Nong Prefecture. A few years later Liangdao took up the post of Chief Secretary of the Prime Minister and Official in charge of admonition and arbitration. After Cao Pi ascended the throne as Emperor, Jia Kui was successively appointed as Governor of Yeling Prefecture, Governor of Weijun, and Prefect of Yu Zhou. For his exemplary duties Liangdao earned the title Lord of the Second Rank. Additionally Jia Kui initiated the renovation of weapons, the re-organization of the armed forces, t...

Jia Kui (Lingdao) 賈逵 (梁道)

Place of Birth : Xiangling County, He Dong Prefecture (Presently Lifen, Shanxi Province) Lifespan : AD 174 – Circa 230 Titles : General Who Establishes Our Prestige, Lord of Yangli Precinct, Respectful Lord   Jia Kui was a skilful martial artist and studied tactics under his grandfather. His first appointment as officials was in He Dong Prefecture; he was later promoted to Magistrate of Mianchi County. When Cao Mengde was fighting Ma Chao, Jia Kui held position as Governor of Hong Nong Prefecture. A few years later Liangdao took up the post of Chief Secretary of the Prime Minister and Official in charge of admonition and arbitration. After Cao Pi ascended the throne as Emperor, Jia Kui was successively appointed as Governor of Yeling Prefecture, Governor of Weijun, and Prefect of Yu Zhou. For his exemplary duties Liangdao earned the title Lord of the Second Rank. Additionally Jia Kui initiated the renovation of weapons, the re-organization of the armed forces,...

Huang Zhong (Hansheng)

Place of Birth : Nanyang District (Presently Nanyang City in Henan Province) Lifespan : AD 148 – 221 (73 Years) Titles : General of the Rear, Lord of the Second Rank, Forthright Lord Huang Zhong started his career late in his life when the Yellow Turban rebellion had recently ended. He first served Liu Biao as Imperial Corps Commander and was in charge of defending Chang Sha. Later when Liu Biao was at war with Cao Cao, Hansheng took up the post as Deputy General under Han Xuan. At Nanjun, when Liu Bei was advancing south, he sent Guan Yu to intercept Huang Zhong. Guan Yu prevailed and captured Huang Zhong; who surrendered his forces and joined Liu Bei’s entourage. Hansheng accompanied Liu Bei when the latter was invading the Western River Lands of Ba Shu. For his great contributions, he was titled General Who Eliminated the Barbarians. In the twenty-fourth year of Rebuilt Tranquility ( AD 219), Huang Zhong guarded the important mountain pass at Dingjun ( 定军 ), an...

Huang Gai (Gongfu) 黄蓋 (公覆)

Place of Birth : Quan Ling County, Ling Ling Precinct (Presently Ling Ling in Hunan Province) Life Span : AD 145 - ??? Titles : Auxiliary Corps Commander, Acting Colonel of the Firm Attack, Chief Commandant of Danyang, General of the Gentlemen of the Household, Governor of Wu Ling Huang Gai had a tough childhood, growing up in the poor southern county Quanling. Though he was in poverty, Huang Gai refused to be a mediocrity. During his breaks from cutting firewood, Huang Gai learnt to read and studied books of tactics. ( 1 ) Huang Gai started his career, running errands for the district office in Quanling. When Sun Jian took up the post of Grand Administrator of Chang Sha Commandery, Huang Gai went to serve him. When Dong Zhuo took over Luo Yang, Sun Jian was sent north to do battle and Huang Gai followed him as well ( 2 ). He was appointed Auxiliary Corps Commanding Officer and fought against Dong Zhuo in Liang Province under Sun Jian. After the death of Sun Jian, ...

He Qi (Gongmiao) 賀齊 (公苗)

Lifespan: AD ?–227 Birthplace: Shanyin, capital of Kuaji Commandery Titles: Chief of Yan County; Chief Commandant of Kuaiji (AD 196); General of the Gentlemen of the Household Who is Majestic and Firm (AD 208); Grand Administrator; General Who Exerts Himself Martially (AD 213) Relations: He Fu (father); He Jing , He Da (sons); He Shao , He Zhi (grandsons); He Chun (uncle); He Xun (great-grandson) He Qi, styled Gongmiao, hailed from Shanyin in Kuaiji and was the son of He Fu, who was earlier Chief of Yongning county. Growing up in Shanyin, He Qi was first locally appointed junior rank through his family’s powerful status, but he was later promoted to Chief of Yan County when he killed one Si Cong for breaking the law. Qi went on to rally the locals peoples of Shanyin to attack the rest of the Si clan’s followers and, through victory in battle, brought them to justice. Qi was thus well respected in Kuaiji and held a high reputation amongst its people...

He Miao – 何苗

Place of Birth : Wan City, Nanyang Commandery Lifespan : AD 133 – 189 (56 Years) Titles : General of Cavalry and Chariots, Marquis of Wuyang Family : Empress He , He Jin He Miao was the older half-brother of Empress He. Miao was the son of the Lady of Wuyang, but had a different father ( 1 ). Like his younger brother, He Miao was sent to the Capital when his half-sister became the Empress He. The only military achievement of He Miao was when he put down a small rebellion in Henan Commandery, which was quite close to the Imperial Capital. He was awarded the rank of General of Chariots and Cavalry and titled Marquis of Wuyang ( 2 ). When Emperor Ling died in the last year of Central Stability ( AD 189), He Miao supported his nephew Liu Bian’s ascension. The eunuchs were afraid of losing their power when the He Family took over the Government and deposed the Empress-Dowager Dong. In order to gain favor with the new Empress-Dowager He, the eunuchs Zhang Rang and Duan Gui...

He Jin (Suigao) 何進 (逐高)

Place of Birth : Wan City, Nanyang Commandery Lifespan : AD 135 – 189 (54 Years) Titles : Grand Administrator, Commander-in-Chief Family : Empress He , He Miao He Jin was the son of a butcher in Wan City and entered service of the Emperor Ling when his sister became the Head Concubine in his court (1) . When his sister became the Empress He, Suigao was appointed as Grand Administrator of Yingchuan Commandery. When the Yellow Scarves rebellion began in the first year of Central Stability ( AD 184), He Jin was appointed as Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Forces. Though it can be said that He Jin was reasonably competent, he owed his appointment as Commander-in-Chief to his sister the Empress. He Jin’s campaign against the Yellow Scarves was a success, but even though the rebels were put down, the Empire was beyond repair (2) . On May 13th of the year AD 189, the Emperor Ling died and the fight for succession to the throne began. Emperor Ling already has several chi...